Enterpad (turnkey)

Where is Cedeq? How can I contact Cedeq?

Cedeq Industries Inc.
5193 Montee St-Hubert
St-Hubert, Quebec
J3Y 1V8, Canada

E-mail: support@cedeq.com
Canada/USA: 1-888-462-3988
Tel: (450) 462-3988
Fax: (450) 462-3988

(Monday through Friday, from 9:00am to 5:00pm, Eastern Time.)

How long will it take to receive my Enterpad order?

We use  Xpresspost™ to ship small quantity Enterpad orders. The official delivery time for one Enterpad to Canada, Australia, the United States or the Netherlands is about 5 days. However, there can be some additional delay at each country's customs. A reasonable estimate is about 1-2 weeks on average.

Is it possible to mute the keypress beep on the Enterpad?

If you have an Enterpad manufactured since 2012 (serial number CD1205-033 and later), you can use this small utility to disable or re-enable the keypress beep on the Enterpad.

Additionally, for Enterpads manufactured since 2019 (serial number CD1945-021 and later), you can disable the keypress beep by pressing 'Shift+ESC' twice on the Enterpad, then 'Shift+BeepLO' to disable the beep or 'Shift+BeepHI' to re-enable it.

The most recent setting will be held in memory until changed, even if the power is turned off.

Can we have two configured Enterpads hooked up to one PC?

It is possible to hook up a series of Enterpads on one PC. Theoretically, you may hook up as many Enterpads as there is USB ports available.

What is the difference between standard, AHK and turnkey Enterpads?

There is no hardware difference. They simply come with a different programming to suit different needs. Hence, all models have their own online reference. Someone who does not want to learn about programming will be interested in the turnkey model. A software programmer who wants to take advantage of the AutoHotkey language will rather consider the AHK Enterpad. Furthermore, the Enterpad can be easily reprogrammed, so it can be changed to other models.

Other questions?

We maintain an Internet forum for Enterpad users looking for information and free programming assistance. The forum replaces our free one-on-one programming assistance (e.g. email, contact form). The forum has the added benefit of helping the whole Enterpad community. It will be a pleasure to help you on the forum.

The following form can be used for enquiries about the Enterpad that are not concerned with programming assistance:

Fields marked with * are required. We keep your email address private.