You have created the perfect time-saving Excel macros and now you want to trigger them with AutoHotkey. This simple script shows you one way of doing it.
Prepare your overlay
Choose an unassigned key on the Enterpad for the Excel macro. Use an appropriate name like "Macro1".
Code installation
Copy and paste the following script in the AutoHotkey script template (Enterpad.ahk) at the location of the key you wish to assign.
001: IfWinNotActive, ahk_class XLMAIN { MsgBox % "Excel is not active. No action will be performed." Return } try epExcel := ComObjActive("Excel.Application") catch { MsgBox % "Unable to execute the shortcut." Return } try epExcel.Run("Macro1") catch { MsgBox % "Unable to run the macro. Are you editing a cell?" } epExcel := return
More Info
The Excel macro should be triggered if:
- An Excel worksheet is the active window;
- Excel is not busy (e.g. editing, selecting a command);
- The macro exists.
If you would like to add a parameter to the macro when it is triggered, just modify line #15 of the script (step 2) from
epExcel.Run("Macro1", "Param1")
And replace Param1 with the value of the parameter.